A Gentle Path to a Pain-Free Back
A year ago, my back pain was so severe, I was dependent on a walker. Then I learned a new concept: “No pain, more gain.”
The idea of “No pain, no gain” had been instilled in my mind over a lifetime, including during physical therapy. Stretches that hurt were healing, I was told. That was a difficult idea to overcome. But my doctor at the Mayo Clinic referred me to Master Yang’s research program on back pain, where I learned that a gentle stretch that is not painful is more healing, effective, and leads to fewer setbacks.
I also learned from standing meditation practice to release tension. In this practice, I realize which muscles are tense, then I relax them. As I healed, I did this every day for up to two minutes, and still use it as part of my morning routine.
During the course of my day I still do several stillness and movement practices from Master Yang’s suggested homework: some simple spiral stretching, standing meditation, rising mist or others. The best advice I received is to set aside some time every day and practice the movements.
Today, a year after beginning training, the practice has paid off. I am pain-free, can lift 80 pounds and no longer use a walker. I am able to function without pain and can perform tasks I want to do. I attribute all this to past year’s commitment to daily practice and doing the suggested homework.
A year into my training, I’ve abandoned my “no pain, no gain” philosophy. I’ve learned that physical training doesn’t have to hurt to offer powerful results. “No pain, more gain” is my new philosophy.
I’m grateful for this progress, but I’m not done. I am currently enrolled in his program and practice on a daily basis. My goal is to train my mind and body to automatically assume strong positions to perform my daily activities. It helps to adopt another key concept we practiced in Master Yang’s program: leading with my core. Doing that was new to me, and it really helps to strengthen the core and prevent injury.
An unexpected benefit of my training is the financial savings I experienced. Instead of $25 physical therapy copays twice a week, for half that amount I had an online session with Master Yang, plus 24/7 access to the class recordings. More importantly, I am pain-free. That gift is priceless!
— Rob Hammer