Heal and Strengthen the Spine with T’ai Chi & Qigong

No Pain, More Gain” Can Be a Game Changer


We often get frustrated and anxious when we feel we are not improving or our pain worsens after we put tremendous effort to relieve back pain. The concept of “No Pain, No Gain” can be a major source of this persistent or worsened pain.

Watch Master Yang’s free sample class to introduce his life changing program for people with back pain. 

“Master Yang's program for strengthening your spine through his Tai Chi and Qigong method and his mantra " No Pain, More Gain", appears counter cultural. But this has helped me to move slowly and get to know how subtle movements engage and strengthen muscles to relieve tension and pain.”
— Joan     

Try a free sample movement and meditation

Master Yang demonstrates sitting Heavenly Spiral

Master Yang meditates on how the body can heal

Sign up for our new program!

Master Yang Yang, Ph.D. will guide you through specifically designed essential practices of T’ai Chi and Qigong to heal and strengthen your spine. He developed this course based on his own healing journey from severe back pain following a bike accident. The practice is gentle yet powerful, aiming to relieve and prevent back, neck, and hip pain.  

  • Relieve back pain through ancient wisdom

  • Research has shown significant effects on pain, physical function, and sleep

  • Access anywhere, practice any time, in any physical condition

  • Classes held Tuesday from 7-8pm ET starting Oct 3, 2023